The improvements I have witnessed in Alex are unbelievable, his positive attitude is highly contagious, always coming and leaving the box with a big bright smile.

Below is Alex`s journey in his own words

You have been a member at Metal Therapy for almost a year now. Can you share a little about your training at Metal Therapy during this time?

I have been here for just over 6 months and i have really enjoyed the steady growth in both physical and mental. Learning new lifts or skills and how to achieve them in a safe way thats what keeps me coming back.

You have been extremely consistent and the improvement you have made in the last few months speak for themselves. Could you tell us what is your biggest driver? Not sure i guess its the same for most people wanting to be a better me, being a roll model for my son and some eye candy for my wife hehe.

You train with your brother in law Robbie which is also a member of our community and a pretty good CrossFitter. It was Robbie that initially introduced you to CrossFit, can you tell us about training with him?

Robbie and I have been training together for quite a while now way before we found CrossFit. I first got a taste of CrossFit at RiseUp and introduced Robbie to it and the rest is history. He has always been consistent with his training so he kept it going where as i took a break. He is and has been someone that I’m inspired by his strength and skills and he’s pretty good at double under too haha. I watch him ( not in a weird way) do his thing and it gives me something to chase.

2019 is finally here, It is time to set new goals! Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit this year?
First and foremost Double Unders its my favourite CrossFit exercise I want to be able to do them all the time. I want to learn Butterfly Pull Ups and be able to cleanly snatch 60Kg.

What changes have you noticed in day to day life since starting CrossFit?
Since i started coming to CrossFit I’m happier, less fatigued at this time of the year we are really busy at work and the bulk of my day consists of carrying boxes and a lot of walking and yet i still have energy to show up at Metal Therapy almost every night.

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Alex

...tell us your favourite top 3 must watch movie?

Obviously because of my Sicilian blood “The GodFather” then because it was just Christmas “Elf” and “Rocky all of them, apart from number 3, I didn’t like Mr T”.

.... What is the craziest thing you have done so far?

Nothing that I’m prepared to put in writing haha so ill just say joining MetalTherapy

.... Fran, Isabel, Grace and many more...Which one is your favourite benchmark workout?

Well, I only did Fran so far and I really have mixed feelings about it ;-)

.... if you could freeze a moment in time, what moment would you freeze and why?

The moment i saw my son born that would be the most amazing thing i have ever seen. The beginning of life.

.... if you had one day in your life to live over, what day would you choose and why?

thats a hard one there have been so many great days, but i would like to spend a day with my Zia (auntie) Anna she passed away a few years ago. I was not able to let her know how much she meant and made me the man i am today.

.... if you had to reveal something that people didn’t know about you, what would that be?

mmm something that people wouldn’t know about me....I like to play online competitive first person shooter video games to relax.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?

Airdyne bike and wall balls

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?

Double Unders would be my favourite its such a great show off movement.

The mighty Snatch would be my favourite lift when its done well its like watching poetry

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

A Meerkat i like to look around and wish i was one of the other athlete that has finished haha

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “ALEX” WOD be?


500m Run

25 Power Clean (50/35)

75 Double Unders