Sam has all the quality a coach could ask for in a beginner.

He is driven, consistent, persistent and always positive.

Below his Sam`s journey in his own words

When you joined Metal Therapy you were new to CrossFit. Can you tell us your initial thoughts and what made you stay?

For a long time I wanted to find something that was a good balance of weight training,

cardio and a bit of gymnastics. A little bit of everything to improve my all round functional

fitness and wellbeing. I didn’t know much about CrossFit but it was a word I kept hearing

everywhere so I gave it a shot. From the first class I knew it ticked all the boxes for

everything I wanted out of health and fitness. What really made me stay and keeps me

coming back is the sense of community and the positivity and support from

my fellow trainers at the box.

You have been extremely consistent even during winter when everything seems a lot harder,

what advice would you give to any beginner looking to join Metal Therapy?

Starting something new can be scary and intimidating, especially watching the others

seemingly doing the impossible. If you’re a low energy person like me that struggles with

fitness, the really hard bit is making the decision to turn up. It is very easy to make an excuse

at the last minute and crawl back to bed. You just need to trick yourself into getting into

your car and driving. Once you’re at the box the hardest bit is done, our coaches and the

WOD will take care of the rest. Progress always seems slow and frustrating but without

realising, you will be doing movements you never thought you were capable of. You just

need to keep turning up.

Also the warm Metal Therapy hoodie really made my winter mornings easier!

What is the biggest change you have noticed in yourself since the start of your CF Journey?

Did anyone else noticed these changes?

It had been a good 7 or 8 years since I did any serious fitness training so once I started

CrossFit it was a real struggle. But within a few weeks my mood and my confidence changed

and I was carrying myself a bit better through my day to day life. It didn’t change my life, it

just helped me become a happier, stronger version of myself. My wife and family definitely

noticed the change in me too which in itself was a real confidence boost. Also as a bonus, I

now have a good beach body in time for summer!

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?

I’ve seen too many people who don’t look after their health and how it affects their quality

of life as they age. Even the ability to simply stand straight and walk functionally can be a

struggle for those who live a sedentary lifestyle. I see CrossFit as a way to keep my body

functionally healthy for as long as possible. I don’t have to be the fittest or the strongest. I

just want be strong and healthy enough to carry myself well and do the things that I love for

as long as I can.

The WOD is about to start 3...2...1... What`s the first though comes into your mind?

At this point my anxiety levels are through the roof for the pain that is about to come.

There’s no real choice but to just clear my mind and lift the bar or throw the first wall ball.

After a few seconds my body just adjusts and I get into the zone of the workout.

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Sam

…if you could be part of any sports team, which team will it be?

I must say I never really was big on team sports, only a very casual Essendon supporter from

way back as a kid. Not long after I started training, the CrossFit games were on and I caught

a few of the team events which were very impressive. It was the first time in a long time that

I had really followed anything. Closer to home I’m starting to get a buzz from seeing our very

own Metal Therapists represent us in other competitions and I hope to follow suit soon


…if you had to write a note to your child self, what would you say to him and why?

I would say to not be so self-conscious and to explore things I might enjoy doing instead of

freaking out and procrastinating. If you throw yourself into something new you might find

you’ll enjoy it and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. I finally also started doing guitar

lessons this year after my wife bought me a guitar around 5 or 6 years ago. Loving it at the

moment. I’ve had a few stresses over the years and it’s taken a while to learn to try enjoy

myself as best I can or life will pass me by.

…if you could fulfil one thing on your bucket list tomorrow, what would you choose and why?

I’ve read a lot of Japanese history and I’ve been wanting to go to Japan for years and visit

landmarks and eat lots of sushi. Maybe next year! Not sure about the nude public hot

springs though.

…if you had to reveal something that people didn’t know about you, what would that be?

I have a martial arts background with a black belt in karate from my teens and a black belt in

grappling from my early 20’s. Also I played the trumpet in high school.

…if you were paid to pursue your ultimate passion, what would you do?

Coming from an Italian background and watching my parents and grandparents do things

from scratch, I wouldn’t mind just having space to grow my own produce and making all the

goods and preserves my family used to make. I’m also a very amateur beer brewer and wine

maker. It would be nice to make all these things and share with the community as it’s hard

to come by quality produce these days.

We’ve all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours?

Clusters!! I did them once and developed an instant hatred for them. But since everyone

probably hates them I’ll also say that I still struggle with toes to bar. Give me standard pull

ups any day.

What are your other favourites and what’s to love about them?

I’ve always been decent at doing pull ups. I did them occasionally since I was young and

developed a good tolerance to them. I enjoy the feeling of being able to lift my own body

weight. Still working at muscle ups though. Also don’t mind any kettlebell work.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

I’m probably a bit like my pet greyhounds. I turn up and start the WOD enthusiastically

enough. Within 5 minutes I’m feeling stuffed and regretting it. I’ll keep pushing till I finish it

but then I collapse dramatically. I have a big sleep and repeat the next day.

You’ve been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?

If you want to improve your quality of life and be stronger, fitter and happier, CrossFit is the

way to go. It’s also a good way to make friends while bonding over blood, sweat and tears.

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the ‘Sam’ WOD be?

21/18 Cal Row
15 Front Squats 50/30
9 Chest to Bar Pull Up