Matt’s improvements over the last few months have been absolutely astonishing. His hard work and dedication are definitely showing the results he deserves.
Matt is not just a badass crossfitter but also the most bubbly and supportive person I have ever met.

Below is Matt’s journey in his own words!

With over 10 years of CrossFit experience it's fair to say that you are a veteran. What's the biggest advice you can give to anyone who is looking to begin this journey?
It so freaking corny, but just start. Just pull up your stance socks and get to a class. It can be a bit scary and weird at first, but just like a tail, it grows on you. I remember my first class as a pudgy bodybuilder and lining up to do my frist workout inbetween two guys, who 5 seconds into the countdown ripped off their shirts. Almost like they timed it in syncro. Who were these guys, well one was a wepaon named Rick and the other a ripped Italian stallion called Gab! 
That experience humbled me and also seeing their ripped sweaty bodies lit a fire in my swollen belly to get to their level. 

What are the biggest lessons you have learned about CrossFit over the years?
You never stop learning. It's one of the main aspects of Crossfit I love. Whether it's honing a skill, learning something new, or relearning a skill you've lost along the way. It's all a journey. Sometimes it's a "throw your rope on the ground and scream" learning process, but if you stick at it, you'll get there eventually.  

You have absolutely been crushing your training, what's next on your list?
To make the age group quarter finals. Yes I am a mature CrossFitter. I made it a few years ago and just missed last year. So I am determined to get back there. Oh and to keep beating Logan.

You would have done over a thousand workouts! When you look back which one comes first in mind and why?
Grace, it's simple, heavy, uncomfortable and quick. It's still to this day the workout that excites me and freaks me the F#@k out. Definitely 2 nervous wee's before this wod.

CrossFit often emphasizes community and support. How has being part of a community impacted your motivation and progress?
It’s no surprise I am a bit of a social butterfly and 9:15 is my happy place, in fact the gym in general is my happy place. I love leaveing my shit at the door and having and laugh with the crew. It may come as a big surprise, but I was born to perform and I freaking love a crowd. The support and encorugament I get when trainging at CrossFit is epic and keeps me coming back each day.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

- Burpees. I HATE BURPEES!

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
Anything with a heavy barbell, unless James is there and then it's anything highly techincal with a heavy barbell. 

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
A Hippo. Although they sleep the majority of the day, hippos are actually very dangerous animals. They are very territorial and aggressive; likely to attack humans and other animals that come too close. 

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
Join the CrossFit revolution today and discover a fitness journey like no other. Unleash your potential, forge lifelong friendships, and achieve a level of fitness you never thought possible. Don't settle for mediocrity – embrace the challenge, embrace the community, and transform your body and mind with CrossFit!

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the Matt's WOD be?
Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time that I came to start the party

For Time
100m Run
20 Dumbbell Overhead Squat
10 C&J 55/80Kg
200m  Run
16 Dumbbell Overhead Squat
8 C&J 62.5/90Kg
300m Run
12 Dumbbell Overhead Squat6 C&J 70/100Kg
400m Run
8 Dumbbell Overhead Squat
4 C&J 77.5/110Kg
500 Run
40 Dumbbell Overhead Squat
2 C&J 85/120Kg

Find 1RM remaining time