Darryn’s infectious energy and outgoing nature light up every room he enters, effortlessly connecting with everyone around him.
He is always up for a challenge and eager to encourage and support others.

Below is Darren’s journey in his own words!

How long have you been doing CrossFit and how did you come across it?
I first started training CrossFit in 2020 about a month prior to the world shutting down, and it
helped me through that period.
I had been in gyms since 2010 and had heard about CrossFit, but obviously all the negatives and viewed it as a bit of a joke. That was until I discovered the documentaries when they were on Netflix, and thought it looked fun, and then gave it a try and have fallen in love with the training methodology.

You have been extremely consistent in your training. Can you share with us your biggest motivation ?
For me it has been finding a routine I have been able to stick to. I obtained a new job towards the end of last year that didn’t have the same volume of travel involved. Once I switched to training in the morning at the start of the year it just became the habit, and made my day easier. Also, the below question has been a bit of a motivator…

Not long now until your holiday to Europe, can you share with us a little about this trip? 
Given the temperatures this week I don’t want to brag too much, but I am heading away for 5 weeks. Spending two weeks in Italy, some time in Croatia and Montenegro, and then testing my Liver in the Greek islands.

With a few sentences can you describe your relationship with coach Logan?
I really appreciate logan and his coaching, however he is extremely fun(easy) to wind up and take the piss out of. I liken it to the relationship you have with your little brother, take every opportunity to wind them up, but there’s a respect underneath it.

You have made remarkable progress since joining Metal Therapy, what’s next on Darryn's list?
Given the components that have been developed and worked on in recent times, Rope Climbs are a big thing I want to achieve, as well as bigger sets of double unders. But for those who know me, the 200kg squat has
been a goal for a while so developing a plan to achieve that when I get back from my trip.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours?  
Given my incredible thoracic mobility, it has to be anything handstand. The body just NOPES!

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
Obviously the traditional bro lifts like squat and deadlift, but also double unders and starting to love the Olympic lifts as my technique is improving. To clarify, just because I am quick on the Echo Bike does not mean I enjoy it. It’s actually because of how much I hate it, the quicker I go, the quicker I finish.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
This is a bit of a tough one, but I think a Hippopotamus. Most of the time they are just cruising through, taking it easy, but when it comes to crunch time, they mean business and can just rip in and get it done.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
Don’t believe the bullshit you see on Social media. It’s such a varied way to work out, and the social aspect is such a game changer. You will do movements that you had never even thought of, and accomplish some cool shit, all in an hour of your day!

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the

Darryn's WOD be?
It was really tempting to write in some long gruelling cardio and gymnastics workouts given my vocal love of these… However, I think short, sharp and moving some heavy ass weight is the way to go!

“ Darryn “

For Time - 20' CAP
30 Cals Echo Bike 
30 Deadlift @55%
21 Cals Echo Bike 
21 Deadlift @65%
12 Cals Echo Bike 
12 Deadlift @75%
In the remaining time:
Find your 1RM Squat Clean