Nicole is incredibly passionate, driven and dedicated. The results she has accomplished in such a short period of time are absolutely phenomenal! I’m excited to see what the future hold for this young talented woman.

Below is NIcole’s journey is her own words!

You have been CrossFitting for a year now. Which ones are your most memorable moments so far?
There are so many memorable moments but my favourites have to be the competitions: Double dose and Hells Bells. Being a part of these competitions really helped me step out of my comfort zone and form so many new friendships that I am so grateful for. Two other memorable moments have to be the recent CrossFit open and my first 12 days of Christmas workout which, if I’m being honest, was mostly memorable for its long-lasting pain!

Everyone knows you are really passionate about weightlifting and this past weekend you competed in your very first competition with 5 successful lifts and 2 PB’s. Can you tell us a bit more about this experience?
My first weightlifting competition and surely won’t be my last! I had so much fun that I felt kind of sad when it was all over. I’m pretty sure I went through all possible emotions in that time span – nervous, scared, terrified, happy, sad, overwhelmed but most importantly proud that I showed up and got it done. I couldn’t have done it without my gym buddies who showed up for support, Andrea and of course coach Logan’s guidance through it all.

Are there any other fitness goals that you would like to achieve in 2024?
I have a full list of fitness goals but top ones have to be:
- 10 strict pull ups
- Some double unders
- 45kg Snatch
- 60kg Clean ( & Jerk maybe?)

You have recently passed your test to become officially a recognised engineer in Australia.
This alone is pretty impressive! Are there any big plans ahead?
Getting recognised as an official engineer in Australia was a major step and such a relief. This was the first step to eventually be eligible for a more permanent visa which means getting residency and settling down. In the middle of all this I cannot not mention going back home temporary to Malta and marry my number one supporter Andrea!

It’s now time to know a little more about Nicole...

If you were granted 3 wishes what would they be?

Wish 1 – Teleportation superpower to come and go to Malta and see my family as often as I want to.

Wish 2 – Three dogs and my life will be complete: Dalmatian, Golden retriever and Australian Shepard.

Wish 3 – Proper vision. I am legally blind and cannot see to save my life.

What’s your favourite thing to do on weekends, besides the Saturday’s wod?
I do like to unwind on weekends and best way to do that is to sit down, switch on a tv series for background noise and get lost either knitting, crocheting or doing embroidery.

If you could travel back in time what advice would you give to young Nicole?
“Nicole stop overthinking, be brave and trust yourself, you got this.”

If you had to choose a meal to eat for the rest of your life which one would it be?
PASTA!!! – Spaghetti aglio e olio

Your favourite song of all time is...
No such thing as a favourite song with me but there is a favourite album that I find myself listening to every few months on repeat: Save rock and roll by Fall Out Boy.

We’ve all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours? 
Thrusters. As some members at the box have picked up on my saying: “DISGUSTING”. Double unders are a strong runner up.

What are your other favourites and what’s to love about them? 
Definitely barbell snatches and cleans. I just love the technique and precision required to execute the perfect lift. I also love sots press but that’s because I can show off my mobility!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
A fish on land in the middle of a dessert - gasping for air trying to breathe while trying to make it out alive.

You’ve been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 
Lifting? Gymnastics? Cardio training? Why choose when you can do all with CrossFit. The sports that fits everybody and anybody at any fitness level.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “NICOLE” WOD be?

For Time: Partners
-800 m Run-
10 Rounds
5 Power cleans 25/42.5
4 Front Squats 25/42.5
3 Kipping Pull Ups / C2B
-400 m Run-
10 Rounds
5 Power Snatches 25/42.5
4 Overhead Squats 25/42.5
-800 m Run-