Wod 1 - AED (11' CAP)

2 RFT:
50 Deadlift 50Kg/70Kg
400m Run
30 Lateral BOB

This workout is performed in Indian file.
At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the deadlift. Partner A then moves onto the run and partner B can commence the deadlifts. Partner B does NOT have to wait for partner A to return before commencing the run however, if partner A returns from their run before partner B has completed the deadlifts, partner A must wait before they are able to begin their burpees.

Tap out - This will be explained on the day!

Wod 2 - The Fire Pit (7' AMRAP)

Front Squat 30kg/45kg
Air Dyne buy in each change 15cal/10cal

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin their calories on the Air Dyne. Once complete they will then move onto front squats and perform as many reps as possible. When partner A places the bar down Partner B may commence their calories on the Air Dyne before they can commence their front squats. Partners are to accumulate as many reps of front squat as they can but calories on the Air Dyne MUST be completed at each change and will NOT count towards your score.

*** This Wod will transition onto Wod 3 without break.

WOD 3 - Clean Complex (6' CAP)

For Load:
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean 

Partners must perform both movements WITHOUT putting the bar down. Power clean will be permitted.
You are allowed as many attempt as you like but the weight is only allowed to increases.

WOD 4 - The Walking Dead ( 10' CAP)

For Time:
10 to 1 BB Push Press 30/50Kg
**6 Box Jump Overs every time the reps are broken**

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin with 10 push press, partner B will complete 10 push press. Partner A will complete 9 push presses, partner B will complete 9 push presses, then 8,7...6...5 all the way down to 1. The partner that is not working must hold the bar in the front rack position. If either partner takes the bar off the front rack position, both partners must complete 6 box jump overs (these reps will NOT count towards your score) 


Top 2 Male and Female teams will battle it out for the top spot.
This workout will be released on the day!