EVENT 1 - (11' CAP)

2 RFT:
50 Deadlift 70Kg/50Kg
400m Run
30 Lateral Burpees Over Bar

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the deadlift. Partner A then moves onto the run and partner B can commence the deadlifts. Partner B does NOT have to wait for partner A to return before commencing the run however, if partner A returns from their run before partner B has completed the deadlifts, partner A must wait before they are able to begin their burpees.
Tiebreak after the first set of burpees

EVENT 2 – (10’ Cap)

For Load:
3 attempt 1RM Clean

Athlete A in lane one will have 20 seconds to complete their lift.
Only 1 athlete will complete the lift within the 20” window. The next 20 seconds the athlete in the next lane will complete their lift.
When all Athletes A have completed their three attempt athletes B can begin their attempt.

EVENT 3 - (12’ Cap)
12 Min AMRAP

Box Jumps Over 24”/20”
Dumbbell Snatches 22.5/15
Wall Ball Shots 9/6

This workout is performed as an emom. Athletes must alternate every minute for the entire workout
At the count 3-2-1 partner A will commence the box jumps over .The following minute partner B will commence the dumbbell snatches. Continue in this style for the entire workout.
* Athletes must step down in the box jumps over.

Shuttle Runs and Thruster Ladder
2 Shuttle Runs
4 Thrusters 30/42.5
4 Shuttle Runs
8 Thrusters 30/42.5
6 Shuttle Runs
12 Thrusters 30/42.5
8 Shuttle Runs
16 Thrusters 30/42.5
10 Shuttle Runs
20 Thrusters 30/42.5
Continue in this style for the entire AMRAP
At the count 3-2-1 partner A will complete the two shuttle runs and the 4 Thrusters. They will then tag partner B so they can complete the following set, four shuttle runs and eight thrusters.
Keep alternating and climb the ladder as far as possible within the time cap.

Top teams will battle it out for the top spot.
This workout will be announced on the day.