I don`t think I've ever met someone so excited about CrossFit then Nik. Nik is a strong, driven individual. He constantly asks questions, always focuses on his technique and impeccably leaves the gym last after a few practice sets of ring muscle ups.
I`m excited to see what the future holds for this young crossfitter.
Below is Nik`s journey in his own words.
You are relatively new to CrossFit. Can you tell us how you came to find CrossFit and a little about your first months?
It was October 2016 and I had just got back from a trip to Europe, I was sitting at home on the Saturday night jet lagged looking for something to watch on Netflix. I stumbled on a documentary called FroIVing... that was my first real look into CrossFit and I thought this looks insane. My first day back at work I looked up a few different CrossFit affiliates online and emailed the owners, Gab replied straight away and the rest is history. The first few months was just taking in a lot of info from both Gab and Matt, I feel I have a good grasp on the basics at the moment but there is still a lot to learn
Walking into Metal Therapy was your first experience with CrossFit and the community. Can you tell us what your first thoughts were when you came to Metal Therapy?
Too be honest I was pretty nervous, I didn’t know what to expect and being on the quiet side makes it that little bit harder. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming, the box is not like your typical gym where people keep to themselves with headphones and cliques. Everyone gets along at MT. It’s a great atmosphere.
While you may be new to CrossFit, you are no stranger to fitness. You have a sports background playing soccer and lifting some weights at the gym. How did playing soccer and the gym work you had done prior help you slide into the CrossFit world, physically and mentally?
I think playing soccer gave me the mobility to be able to do some movements without any issues, mentally it helps me grind out through some workouts. The gym just gave me a good strength base but it got very repetitive and boring.
It's pretty obvious that you are very much already addicted to CrossFit. What is it about the sport and community that made you so addicted so quickly?
It has to be the diversity, we never seem to do the same thing twice. It’s not like going to the Gym and doing bench press or bicep curls all the time, there is always a new blend of movements mashed together to create a new WOD so it never gets boring. The thing that got me with the community is everyone is on the same page when it comes to encouragement, I saw this during the open. Doesn’t matter how well someone did or if they were just a beginner the same praise and encouragement was given and I think that is pretty awesome!
In the short time since you've started CrossFit, you have smashed out PB after PB and keep going from strength to strength at a rapid rate. For you, what has been the most rewarding and exciting achievement in your journey to date?
There is no 1 thing, in general its just getting better every day and learning new things. I like to push myself to see how far I have come from day one. I think doing some of the hero WODS and being able to finish them is the most rewarding.
We've watched you tackle some epic WODs, designed for partners, completely on your own. That takes mental fortitude. Can you share a little about your mindset in approaching those WODs and making it to the other side alive?
I really like to push myself to see where I am at. Its fun to just grind it out with the long WODs. For Double Grace I remember talking to Coach Matt before the session started and got some tips from him on how to tackle it, I followed his tips and managed to get through it alive. Also Gab and the rest of the class helped me through my last 15 or so reps by not letting me stop!
Nik performing Double Grace (60 C&J @60KG)
Not long into your journey, you snared your first muscle up. We have watched you ferociously continue to work on them since that moment. Can you capture the sweet feeling you felt when you got your first one in words? How did that moment push you toward your next goal?
I cant explain it, think that was the only time I ever rang the bell at MT. I was so pumped I had trouble sleeping that night. Getting that first Muscle up just makes me hungrier to keep pushing through and learning new movements and getting better. It’s a never ending cycle.
What positive changes have you noticed in your mind and body since starting CrossFit?
I think I’m a lot more focused that what I was before, iv seen a lot of changes in my body since I started. Iv leaned out a fair bit and lost some of the bulk that I had from going to the gym.
We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?
Lunges, I hate Lunges
What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
Ring Muscle ups have to be my favourite, it’s a great feeling when you lock out at the top. I also like squat cleans , squat snatches, Handstand Push ups, Box jumps, BOB, Rowing the list goes on and on.
Now it's that time. Will the real 'Nick' please stand up....?
.... if money were no object, what would you do all day?
I would probably quit my job and travel the globe going to watch different sporting events. Maybe even buy the Chicago Bulls or Chicago Bears
.... if human beings came with a warning sign, what would yours say?
Under construction
.... if you could join any past or present music group, who would it be and why?
NWA – just to be different
.... if you could change your name, what would you change it to and why?
Don’t know, something crazy like Rainier Wolfcastle from the Simpsons
.... if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
Speed my metabolism up so I could eat junk all day and not gain weight
.... if you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Definitely be chicken schnitzel, it’s delicious
.... if you could live in one game or movie universe, what one would you live in and why?
Marvel universe, they have better heroes
.... if people could only find out one thing about you, what would you want them to know about you and why?
I love my sport. Soccer, NFL, NBA, CrossFit
Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit over the next year?
I would like to compete in the open next year, this year I didn’t think I was ready for it as I still didn’t have all the movements mastered. Also get a good nutrition plan in place and get abs like Gab.
In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
I would be a happy Dog with my tail wagging, I’m always excited in doing a WOD no matter what it is and I have a small case of FOMO I never want to miss one!!
You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it?
I would just hand them Gab’s number, after speaking to him for 5 min you will be on board
15. Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Nik' WOD be?
For time:
200 Cal Row
100 Wall ball Shots 6/9
50 squat clean 40/60
25 Burpees Box Jump Overs