The key of becoming a good Crossfitter is consistency and Caitlin is a perfect example.
Along with Consistency Caitlin is also absolutely determined, passionate but most important, really supportive to other members.

Below is Caitlin`s journey in her own words

Let's start from the beginning. How did you first get into CrossFit and what was it about the sport that snared you in the beginning? 
I was training at Goodlife in Point Cook with Loren Lauder who was very much into CrossFit at the time and after many months of convincing me, I finally decided to join her and give it a go.  I was hooked from the get go and very quickly became an avid “CrossFitter”. I absolutely loved the adrenaline rush that each WOD gave me and the constant strive to become better.

You've been CrossFitting for a number of years now. What is it that has kept you motivated across those years? 
My biggest motivator has been the sense of accomplishment I get from achieving something new, from PB’s to mastering a new movement.  And the best part of that is that there will always be a new PB to achieve or a new movement to learn, the possibilities are endless.

You did have a little break from CrossFit for a while and tried out F45. What were the similarities and differences in the two training styles and what did you miss about CrossFit that drew you back after a few months? 
I wouldn’t say there are too many similarities (apart from the rowers…) but there are definitely a whole lot of differences.  F45 gave me the opportunity to really build on my conditioning but the lack of access to challenging weights, being witness to the questionable lifting techniques in the room and exercising in isolation was enough to drive me away.  F45 certainly has its place in the fitness industry and is a fantastic franchise that has opened up opportunities for busy people who want to get in and out without talking to a single person, it just wasn’t for me.  Something that definitely drew me back to CrossFit was the comradery and support that you get from everyone who walks through the doors at Metal Therapy, an aspect you don’t find anywhere else.

How did having a break reignite your love for CrossFit? 
The break certainly gave my body the opportunity to really recover from the heavy lifting aspect of CrossFit and the improvement in my conditioning I achieved has certainly transferred to the WOD’s.  It meant that I was able to finally accomplish goals that always seemed just out of reach.

You have been so motivated and consistent lately and have seen such steady and strong results in both your engine and strength. You're smashing your times and WODs and lifting heavier. What do you believe is the ingredient to your success? What has shifted for you to make way for this growth? 
I think my competitive nature with myself is what has kept me striving to reach PB’s and RX WOD’s.  My constant self-doubt in the past has definitely held me back and I think being able to see past that and be confident in what I am doing rather than being afraid of failure has pushed me to keep achieving my goals.

Lately, you've been getting right into the lifting. You've returned to Olympic Class too. What do you feel when you are lifting? What's to love about it? What are your aspirations? 
I’m constantly trying to think about what else there is that I need to fix while lifting.  I feel that if I can start pin pointing exactly where or what it is that’s holding me back and get a real feel for the movement, I will be able to address those issues and lift heavier.  I love the sense of achievement you get when everything finally feels like it’s falling into place and something you’ve been trying to correct for months just happens. I really want to keep working on my snatch, I know it is one of my weaker lifts which just means I’m more motivated to master it.

On top of that, you've nailed some tricky movements recently - like handstand push ups and even some handstand walks. Can you share a little of what that feeling and sense of achievement feels like when you've nailed something hard and achieved something you may never have thought possible? 
I think everyone has a pretty good idea of that feeling, a sense elation and excitement and then thinking towards the next goal and achievement.  Now that I have a couple of steps in my handstand walk and reps in handstand push ups, I find myself getting frustrated when I can’t already do more, that extra 2 steps or 3 or 4 reps.  That’s when I need to remind myself to be patient and not rush things for the sake of an extra rep.

As a school teacher, you expend so much energy. How does CrossFit counterbalance that expenditure? 
School can be really stressful in my role.  I’m a Year Level Coordinator which means I work really closely with kids who are at risk at school and at home and deal with some pretty horrendous situations.  It can be quite emotionally draining which is why CrossFit is a necessary part of my life, it gives me the opportunity to forget some of the emotional burdens and allows me to process each day appropriately and let out some of that anger and frustration.

Everyone comes to the box for different reasons and has their own path. What is CrossFit for you?
CrossFit to me is a challenge, an aspect that I constantly require to keep me motivated to achieve more.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  
I find that this changes for me all the time, at the moment I would definitely say it’s rope climbs.  I get so frustrated because I know it’s purely a mental game for me and I psych myself out with self-doubt about not being able to support myself and falling, which I know won’t happen.


What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
I’m a pretty big fan of burpees, being a shorty, it doesn’t take long to drop to the ground as there isn’t very far to go.  I also really enjoy overhead squats as it was a movement I never thought I would be able to lift more than the bar in.

Now it's time.... will the real 'Caitlin' please stand up.... please stand up... 

.... if you could freeze a moment in time, what moment would you freeze and why? 
Meeting my nieces and nephew for the first time, I just absolutely adore them and never thought I could love a couple of little humans so much

.... if you were given the choice to plan a weekend and live that weekend every weekend for the rest of eternity, what would that weekend look like? 
A day spent with friends eating and drinking good food and wine, the next day with family and then also some time spent cuddling up with my sausage dogs. And of course a WOD thrown in there for good measure.

.... if you could eliminate one thing you do each day so you never have to do it again, what would it be and why? 
Having to do my hair, it would be awesome if it looked like I just came from the hairdressers every morning and it would certainly eliminate bad hair days and save a lot of time

.... if you knew you could not fail, what would you do and why? 
Become a speech pathologist and open up my own practice working with children.

.... if you could be any animal in the world for 24 hours, what animal would you choose and why?
A bird, I would love to be able to go to so many places in one day

.... if you could have one super human power, what would it be and why? 
Teleportation, that way I’m never late

.... if there was a whole different concept of reality (like the Matrix), what would you want it to be and why? 
Beach weather every day of the year and no responsibilities

.... if you were a professional wrestler, what would your ring name be and why? 
The Peacekeeper, I hatet conflict and confrontation so I'd be there trying to make everyone like each other. I have a feeling I wouldn't make a very good pro wrestler…,

Looking ahead, what are your goals in CrossFit over the next year? 
I really want to continue hitting more PB’s, particularly with movements that I struggle with like snatch and back squats.  I would also love to be moving towards achieving a ring muscle up, something that’s definitely going to take more than 12 months to achieve.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
It definitely depends on the day, sometimes I feel like I can move like a jaguar, on an off day I feel like a clumsy panda that you see in those viral videos on Facebook.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 

CrossFit: the difference between the impossible and the possible lies in your determination.

Crossfit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Caitlin' WOD be?

For Time:

Deadlift 50/70
Box jumps 20"/24
150m Run