One of the coaches’ job is to show the athletes their full potential when they cannot see it or believe it yet.
I`m absolutely amazed by Robert’s transformation, it is amazing what you can achieve if when you put your mind to it!

Below is Robbie`s journey in his own words

You have been a member at Metal Therapy for awhile now. Can you share a little about your training at Metal Therapy during this time?
Yeah I can’t believe its been over 2 years now. Its gone so fast. When I first started I was very much a newbie to CrossFit having only been doing it for 2 - 3 months prior. Before this I was a long time regular at good ol Derrimut 24/7 but had lost the motivation to train and to be honest had grown tired of the monotony of “ chest day, arm day, leg day” etc and was looking for something more challenging and exciting. I remember my first trial at MT and being a little overwhelmed looking at the workout for the day with so much crammed into the session with numbers and percentages and acronyms I needed a dictionary for, and then nearly dying JUST ON THE WARM UP. I could barley finish WODS and rarely RX’d. Its very different these days though. I have achieved so much that I wanted to and more, thanks to some excellent coaches and of course the members that always got your back when you’re just not feeling your best some days.

Since the end of the 2019 CrossFit Open, everyone has noticed a big change in your training but most important your attitude. tackling more difficult workouts, practising more difficult movements and definitely not shying away from the heavy weights anymore. What has changed in the last few months?
You’re right, I can’t quite put my finger on it but in the last 6 or so months I’ve really kicked my training into overdrive and even more so since the Open. I had sustained a bit of a shoulder injury late last year which prohibited me from training properly, it actually got me down a bit but when that started to heal I just started to attack every workout 110%. I get a real kick out of seeing other people succeed I think, and it motivates me to want to succeed too. Not only that but when I start to see skills I’m working on slowly coming together it gives me even more of a boost. For example I’d been working on handstands for ages and when I took my first few steps not long ago I was so excited that’s pretty much all I wanted to do. Now I can nearly walk the length of the gym. Same goes for muscle ups, I strung 3 together for the first time just the other night.

We learn by making mistakes, since you are a CF veteran could you give 5 tips to all the newbies at our box?
I guess firstly, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Always be willing to learn and never think you know it all. Don’t let your failures dissuade you from trying again, you may fail a hundred times but its all worth it if you succeed once. Form and technique comes first, its nice to have weight on the bar but its better to not get yourself injured from ego lifting. And finally, and most importantly, never, I repeat NEVER leaver the toilet door open, cause if I have to do your burpees, I’m gonna hunt you down.

Where do you see Robbie in one year time? What are you future CF goals?
Honestly I have no grand plans for my future fitness self, I would be happy just to be doing what I’m doing now, grinding away at some god awful WOD, just continually getting stronger, faster, fitter or just maintaining what I already have. I may never ever snatch 100kg and I’m ok with that and will not lose sleep over it, but that won’t stop me from trying to inch myself closer and closer to it if that’s what I’m feeling at some point in time. Although, I would like to finish MURPH one day, with a weight vest, in under an hour.

Besides CrossFit, work and family commitment, is there anything else you do for fun?
I’m a bit of a nerd so I spend a lot of down time watching movies, tv shows and gaming. I also cook as much as I can when I have the time. I use to ride a lot when I was younger though and would love to get back into some mountain biking.

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Robbie

... Who his your favourite CF athlete?
I would love to say Matt Fraser or Rich Froning but it just seems too easy haha. I actually follow this british guy called Zack George who is an absolute beast and looks it too. I don’t want to use the word idol, but he’s definitely someone that inspires me, amongst others of course.

....You`ve made it to the games, head to head with Matt Fraser, what`s the workout?

It doesn’t matter what it is, he’s going to annihilate me, BUT if there are double unders and body weight movements, I may have a chance…at not completely sucking in comparison haha.

.... If you were part of the Game of Thrones cast, who will you be and why?

God this could take a while…actually, no it won’t, everyones pretty much dead haha, I’m going to disregard the crowd favourites and probably go with The Hound. He’s been one of my fav characters this whole show, hes strong, has no fear mostly, answers to no one and does what he wants. You could say hes a free man while everyone else is bowing to this god or that queen.

.... Tell us your top 5 pump up workout songs?

Erib B and Rakim - Juice

Massive Attack feat most Def - I against I

Wu-Tang Clan - Protect Ya Neck (the jump off)

Jay Z - 99 Problems

Nas - Halftime

Finish the sentence...

...If I won a million dollars...

I’d need a bigger wallet. Haha. I’d probably share most of it to be honest.

...I have the biggest...

Collection of DVDs. Over 1000 when I stopped collecting before the digital age fully hit haha.

...when no one is watching I dance and sing to...

Pretty much anything with a good beat and funky bass line.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?
Thrusters. Forged in the fires of hell.

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
Deadlifts, Double Unders, Cleans and any pressing movements. I guess I love them cause they are the movements I am most comfortable doing.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
Probably a huge stag. I start the WOD, head held high with power speed and intensity but at some point wander into oncoming traffic and end up as roadkill hahaha.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?
Crossfit. Always challenging, always changing, always rewarding, always motivating.

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “Robbie” WOD be?

“Robbie B.”

For Time:
50 Hang Power Cleans 60/40
50 DU
50 Push Press/Jerk 60/40
50 DU
50 Deadlifts 60/40
50 Pull ups
50 DU
50 Push ups
50 DU

RX - 50/35

RX+ 60/45

Scaled - 40/25