EVENT 1 - The Loop    2 RFT: (10' CAP)  500m Run  40m Deadball Carry 35/55 320/400m Row 40m Deadball Carry 35/55 21/30 Cal Echo Bike 40m Deadball Carry 35/55  This workout will be completed as follow the leader style. At the count 3-2-1

EVENT 1 - The Loop

2 RFT: (10' CAP)
500m Run
40m Deadball Carry 35/55
320/400m Row
40m Deadball Carry 35/55
21/30 Cal Echo Bike
40m Deadball Carry 35/55

This workout will be completed as follow the leader style.
At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the Run. When Partner A comes back from the run they will move onto the deadball carry as partner B will begin their run. Partner B will keep following partner A but they can only progress to the next movement if the station is free.
A tiebreak will be recorder as soon as partner A will complete the last deadball carry.
The tiebreak will be used in the event of a tie for the final podium.


For Load: (6’ CAP)
Establish your 1RM Clean & Jerk

Athletes will have a 6’ combined to establish their 1RM C&J.

1’ Transition


6 Synchronised Thrusters 30/42.5
6 Synchronised Lateral Burpees Over Bar

At the end of the of the clean & jerk athletes have one minute to load the bar to the required for event 3.a

EVENT 3 - The Deadly Quartet

14 Min AMRAP
105 Wall Ball Shots 6/9
75 Box Jumps Over 20”/24”
45 Pull Ups
15 Wall Walks

This workout is performed as an emom. Athletes must alternate every minute for the entire workout
At the count 3-2-1 partner A will commence the wall ball shots .The following minute partner B will commence the wall ball shots. When the wall ball shots have been completed partners can then move onto the box jumps over.

Continue in this style for the entire workout.
* Athletes must step down in the box jumps over.


6 Intervals for reps
1’30” - Part A Cal Row - Part B Deadlift
30” Transition
1’30” - Part B Cal Row - Part A Deadlift
30” Transition
1’30” - Part A Cal Row - Part B Hang Power Clean
30” Transition
1’30” - Part B Cal Row - Part A Hang Power Clean
30” Transition
1’30” - Part A Cal Row - Part B Shoulder to Overhead
30” Transition
1’30” - Part B Cal Row - Part A Shoulder to Overhead

At the count 3-2-1 partner A will begin the row while partner B will begin the deadlifts.
Athletes will try to accumulate as many reps as possible during the 90” intervals. There will be a 30” transition before athletes will swap. Part B will begin the row while partner A will begin the deadlift.
Continue in this style for the entire workout.
This workouts is points based. Depending on the weight you will lift you`ll be awarded a certain amount of points. Athletes can change the load between movements if they like.

Male Female Points
42..5Kg 30Kg 1pts
50Kg 35Kg 3pts
60Kg 42.5Kg 5pts
70Kg 47.5Kg 7pts


Member of the month: Nicole Farrugia

Member of the month: Nicole Farrugia

Nicole is incredibly passionate, driven and dedicated. The results she has accomplished in such a short period of time are absolutely phenomenal! I’m excited to see what the future hold for this young talented woman.

Below is NIcole’s journey is her own words!

You have been CrossFitting for a year now. Which ones are your most memorable moments so far?
There are so many memorable moments but my favourites have to be the competitions: Double dose and Hells Bells. Being a part of these competitions really helped me step out of my comfort zone and form so many new friendships that I am so grateful for. Two other memorable moments have to be the recent CrossFit open and my first 12 days of Christmas workout which, if I’m being honest, was mostly memorable for its long-lasting pain!

Everyone knows you are really passionate about weightlifting and this past weekend you competed in your very first competition with 5 successful lifts and 2 PB’s. Can you tell us a bit more about this experience?
My first weightlifting competition and surely won’t be my last! I had so much fun that I felt kind of sad when it was all over. I’m pretty sure I went through all possible emotions in that time span – nervous, scared, terrified, happy, sad, overwhelmed but most importantly proud that I showed up and got it done. I couldn’t have done it without my gym buddies who showed up for support, Andrea and of course coach Logan’s guidance through it all.

Are there any other fitness goals that you would like to achieve in 2024?
I have a full list of fitness goals but top ones have to be:
- 10 strict pull ups
- Some double unders
- 45kg Snatch
- 60kg Clean ( & Jerk maybe?)

You have recently passed your test to become officially a recognised engineer in Australia.
This alone is pretty impressive! Are there any big plans ahead?
Getting recognised as an official engineer in Australia was a major step and such a relief. This was the first step to eventually be eligible for a more permanent visa which means getting residency and settling down. In the middle of all this I cannot not mention going back home temporary to Malta and marry my number one supporter Andrea!

It’s now time to know a little more about Nicole...

If you were granted 3 wishes what would they be?

Wish 1 – Teleportation superpower to come and go to Malta and see my family as often as I want to.

Wish 2 – Three dogs and my life will be complete: Dalmatian, Golden retriever and Australian Shepard.

Wish 3 – Proper vision. I am legally blind and cannot see to save my life.

What’s your favourite thing to do on weekends, besides the Saturday’s wod?
I do like to unwind on weekends and best way to do that is to sit down, switch on a tv series for background noise and get lost either knitting, crocheting or doing embroidery.

If you could travel back in time what advice would you give to young Nicole?
“Nicole stop overthinking, be brave and trust yourself, you got this.”

If you had to choose a meal to eat for the rest of your life which one would it be?
PASTA!!! – Spaghetti aglio e olio

Your favourite song of all time is...
No such thing as a favourite song with me but there is a favourite album that I find myself listening to every few months on repeat: Save rock and roll by Fall Out Boy.

We’ve all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours? 
Thrusters. As some members at the box have picked up on my saying: “DISGUSTING”. Double unders are a strong runner up.

What are your other favourites and what’s to love about them? 
Definitely barbell snatches and cleans. I just love the technique and precision required to execute the perfect lift. I also love sots press but that’s because I can show off my mobility!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
A fish on land in the middle of a dessert - gasping for air trying to breathe while trying to make it out alive.

You’ve been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 
Lifting? Gymnastics? Cardio training? Why choose when you can do all with CrossFit. The sports that fits everybody and anybody at any fitness level.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “NICOLE” WOD be?

For Time: Partners
-800 m Run-
10 Rounds
5 Power cleans 25/42.5
4 Front Squats 25/42.5
3 Kipping Pull Ups / C2B
-400 m Run-
10 Rounds
5 Power Snatches 25/42.5
4 Overhead Squats 25/42.5
-800 m Run-

Member of the month: Andrea Bonavia

Member of the month: Andrea Bonavia

Andrea has started his CrossFit journey just a little over nine months ago. The results he has achieved within this time are astonishing. He is dedicated but most of all he is driven.
An example and inspiration for everyone in the box!

Below is Andrea’s journey is his own words!

Your CrossFit journey has very young roots. How did you come across this sport and made you want to try it?
The truth is Nicole actually found the gym and asked me if I’m willing to go with her. I was sceptical to try it at first, mainly because I did not know enough about the sport. I tried it, and well, 10 months later I’m still here and in love with the sport. 

This year you have competed alongside your fiance' Nicole in the Hell's Bells competition. A gruelling two day event that tested your physical capacity as well as your mental strength. What is the biggest take away from this experience?
The biggest take away from this experience was the general community between all of us. Everyone cheering each other on and helping you get that extra rep. Another thing that I have to mention is just the improvement I saw both with myself and Nicole. I managed to carry out movements that seemed impossible a few months ago (yes, I am talking about snatches) and we also managed to finish every WOD together as a team.

Not long ago you started your nutrition journey with coach Logan ( Beyond the Gym ) and since you have achieved amazing results. Can you tell us a bit more about this experience?
When I first started CrossFit I was weighing at about 57kg, which anyone can guess is underweight. I wanted to change that, and after talking to Logan, I gave his programme a go. That all started in September, and up until this point I am currently at a healthy 65kg, a weight that I taught I will never reach. I still have a bit to go but I already feel much fitter and stronger, in daily tasks and especially when lifting heavier weights. All thanks to his knowledge and dedication.

You have been working incredibly hard and we can all see the overall improvements you have made. 

What are the top three things you would like to achieve in the near future?
Clean 70kg  - Snatch 50kg - Double unders

Not many would know that you can play the trumpet and you also played in a band back in Malta. Are there any other talents or passions we don't know about that you would like to share with us?
Yes, I actually have been playing the trumpet for over 20 years, a hobby that saw me participate in the traditional feasts we host in Malta. Apart from that I enjoy adventure and experiencing new things. I mostly enjoy the sea, where I used to take my gear and spearfish for hours at a time. More than catching fish, the experience is about the freedom you feel when you are under the waves suspended in water. Something that gives you a sense of calmness but at the same time excitement due to not knowing what to expect. Another hobby that I enjoy is video editing, where I grab footage that I take with my GoPro and phone and create a video to log places and events that I have been too. This is something that is easier in a place like Victoria due to its vast landscapes and culture around every corner.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  
Sots press, it just hurts.

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 

I love all the weightlifting movements, generally because of the skill required and the amazing things one can do with a refined technique. Apart from that I love anything on the bar, running, box jumps, and workouts that involve high endurance. 

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 

A Buck due to its competitive nature. If you see these animals go for it they keep going until they have nothing left in them. I tend to find a competition in everything, as it helps me push harder especially in the middle of a gruelling workout.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
Unlock you’re full potential with CrossFit, a holistic fitness experience that combines high-intensity workouts, friendship, and expert guidance, sculpting a powerful physique and empowering you to conquer your fitness goals.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'ANDREA' WOD be?


For Time: ( Partners )
800m Row ( Shared )
60 Snatch (25/35)
40 Synchronised Toes to Bar
800m Run ( Together )
40 Syncronised Burpees Over Bar
60 Handstand Push Ups
800m Row ( Shared )

Member of the month: Omar Quevedo

Member of the month: Omar Quevedo

I am truly amazed by Omar’s hard work and dedication, it is truly inspiring!
His commitment to better himself does’t go unnoticed. in addition to being a kick-ass CrossFitter Omar consistently demonstrates unwavering support for fellow CrossFit members.

Belows Omar’s journey is his own words!

2023 has been an incredible year for you, filled with PB and amazing progress overall. What’s your plan for 2024?
Extremely happy for my 2023, honestly, there were so many changes and personal goals achieved.
2024 is a long list of goals: firstly, I want to be officially RX and add a few more competitions to my
list; secondly, I want to be involved with more people at Metal. I found fascinating how CrossFit can
create that sense of family, community, and support for each other; there are amazing people at
Metal, so I would like to keep doing that good “push” that we need during WODs; and another
personal goal is to finally get my Permanent Residence in Aussieland by the end of the year; I have
been working hard to achieve it.

Out of all these personal best, which is the one you are most proud of?
A few weeks ago, it was really good; I got in two weeks, 4 PBs; beyond the weight, it was more the process that took each one.
Snatch! WOW!, of course still working a lot to improve, but in that one I got stuck a few months on
the same weight and was blocking my mind, so I’ll say that mentally it was challenging to keep going
and just go a few steps back in order to improve.

Recently you started doing a little extra work after class with Mark, surely it must be motivating training with someone who shares the same vision as yourself. How important is it to you to have that mental support during training?
CrossFit is about people. During my journey, I had the pleasure of meeting marvellous people. Mark is awesome! We are aligned to support each other, which is a tremendous benchmark. Excellent friend, I must say, always catching on to everyone and giving a good example of leadership. I admire that!!; he’s now on my best friend’s exclusive list.
Also, I take this opportunity to highlight every person since I’ve started in Metal. Starting with Gab
and Logan, just admiration and appreciation!!!, secondly (I won't say names because they know that
I really appreciate all of them), originally with the 6.30 pm crew, then enjoying 5.30 pm, the
exclusive 4.30 pm, and some days 6 am.
Thanks to every single one for getting to know me and sharing a high five after WODs! ��
Also a few, improving their Spanish skills, please keep going amig@s!!!

We know you have been helping a friend at the Victoria Market selling Colombian food!
Tell us the top three foods we should come and try.

Number one that you can mix with almost everything is “Arepa” (white corn bread, but better), good at any time with any topping.
Secondly, “lechona” is basically rice, pork, and some spices, slowly cooked for 8 hours. It’s just delicious!!!
Least but not least, as a dessert, “Postre tres leches con Arequipe” omg, the perfect sweet combination, three milk cakes with sweet of milk, I know!! sounds crazy but tastes so good.
In 2024, I’ll be organising something to have dinner on a Colombian restaurant with the Metal Crew.
Be ready!

Beside your love and obsession with CrossFit do you have any other hobbies you would like to share with us?
” Love and obsession” liked that!! A few of everything depends on the mode: I love camping and hiking; Victoria has plenty of good places; get a good Coffee and go walking for hours; “Gamer” some weekends playing FIFA or some roleplay games; I'm a secret Geek most of the time; I’m also really good at basketball and soccer (football!!!), so feel free to invite me if you need a player.

We’ve all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours? 
Definitely, double-unders or box jumps—good at it! And when I have to do it, I put in some extra effort.

What are your other favourites and what’s to love about them? 
I’ve been falling in love with Clean and Snatch, like the complexity of them; on the other hand, I also love running, wall balls, double-unders, handstand walks, box jumps, and pretty much leg workouts.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
I hope you get the reference. I would say that a Warthog, always, while doing the WOD, mentally singing Hakuna Matata and enjoying the music around, but at the same time, determined to get the WOD done!!

You’ve been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
Quoting Eduardo Galeano (writer): “Many little people, in little places, doing little things, can change the world” that’s CrossFit!!!, people changing the world.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “Omar” WOD be?

Teams of two
Buy In:
10 x 100m Relay

100-80-60 Wall Ball Shots
50-40-30 Pull Ups
25-20-15 Synchronised Burpees

Buy Out:
10 x 100m Relay


   Sarah is extremely dedicated, hard working and always striving to become better. She never shies away from a challenge and always ready to get head to head with the boys!  Below is Sarah’s journey in her own words.

Sarah is extremely dedicated, hard working and always striving to become better.
She never shies away from a challenge and always ready to get head to head with the boys!

Below is Sarah’s journey in her own words.

You have been doing CrossFit for quite a while now and you are definitely one of the most experienced athletes in the gym. I’m sure many people look up to you in the gym. What advice would you give to someone who is trying to lift their game?
Show up, put in the work, and focus on your weaknesses. When I started CrossFit, it was drilled into me; Technique, Consistency, Intensity. If you move well, often, you’ll naturally see improvements in speed, cardiovascular capacity, muscular endurance, strength and skill. And it never stops. As soon as you think it’s getting easier, bump up the intensity; that is, advance the movement, go heavier, or faster. Choose a stimulus for each workout and go for it. It’s often a ‘one step back, two steps forward’ situation.

You have a really fast “Grace” time! Anyone who has done this workout knows that it is short but incredibly tough. Can you tell us a bit of your mind game approaching this workout?
Go hard – it’s only 2 minutes of work. Grace becomes a mental game for me. I set a target for a big set initially and then it’s all about how hard I can hurt.

The 2024 CrossFit Open is fast approaching. Do you have a specific target in mind?
I would like to crack the top 500 in Australia. It’s the last year before I am officially old and enter the Masters division.

Just last week you PB’d your clean, a massive 80Kg? What’s next on the board for Sarah?
This year I focused on getting stronger legs. I committed to a 14-week squat program which improved most of my lifts, as well as my muscular endurance during wods. My 2023 goals were actually to improve my gymnastics; bar/ring muscle ups and handstand walks, specifically, however I’ve had a wrist injury for 5 months, so it’s on the board for 2024!

Finish the sentence
Next Halloween Party I … will finish the night on two feet.

My most memorable moment in the gym is... a close one between beating Charith on DT and representing the girls in this year’s in house comp, placing 3 rd with Fionn and subsequently proclaiming ourselves as ‘The Peoples Champ!’

If I had a superpower it would be... I already have one – I don’t get bitten by mosquitoes.

If I could choose only one piece of equipment to train with it would be... a set of dumbbells because...they are so versatile.

The last country I visited was....Bali. The best thing I liked about it was.. the Mt Batur hike. Even with a bad bout of Bali belly, the sunrise was worth it. I highly recommend putting your fitness to good use on your next trip to Bali.

We’ve all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours?

Pushups. As soon as they are programmed in a workout, I hate them.

What are your other favorites and what’s to love about them?

We all know my love for cleans, and barbell cycling in general – it’s my best chance at beating the boys!
I also enjoy wall balls, dumbbell snatch, rowing and doubleunders – they’re simple and effective.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?

I have no idea – what animal is most competitive?

You’ve been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it?

CrossFit is literally for anyone and everyone! It’s scalable to any fitness level and adaptable to [dis]ability or injury. You’ll come for the exercise, but you’ll stay for the community. Trust me, I’m a Physio.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the Sarah’s WOD be?


6 minutes to find 1RM power clean

Partner YGIG, 10 rounds each or 23 mins AMRAP

8 cal row
10 wall balls 12/9
12 dumbbell snatch 22.5/15

6 mins to find 1RM squat clean

Member of the month: Yohann Godec

Member of the month: Yohann Godec

As a coach I’m extremely proud of Yohann, he has definitely shown remarkable improvements. Keep pushing yourself and inspiring our CrossFit community mate!

Below is Yohan’s journey in his own words! 

How did you first get introduced to CrossFit, and what made you decide to give it a try?
8 years ago, in France, my journey started. A gym opened offering something other than regular weightlifting and different to everyone else, CrossFit. Since then I’ve been training on and off all over the world, but I always come back. 

Some members might not know that you are a pastry chef. Can you tell us a bit about this passion? Also what is your favourite dessert?
I've been baking all my life, but started professionally at 19 years old. I worked as a pastry chef in many kitchens, in Versailles, Taiwan, Paris, and here. My goal has never changed; always improve myself and give people pleasure through my creations. If I could only eat one patisserie for the rest of my life, it would be a lamington long john from Woolies (my guilty pleasure). Just kidding, my favourite patisserie is the ‘100% Vanille’ an all vanilla cake by my favourite pastry chef, Phillipe Conticini. 

Yohann, you and Alizee, both share a passion for CrossFit. How has training strengthened your relationship, and what's your favourite aspect of working out as a couple?
It’s always good to share something with your beloved. CrossFit has introduced an element of competition and routine to the relationship, we’re both on a path to get healthier and stronger together. Everyday we have our little ‘gym-date’ where I get to see her fail and fail and fail and fail until success. Overall very inspiring stuff. 

In the last couple of months you have been smashing some goals you had for a while, can you tell us what you are particularly proud of? 
My biggest goal of 2023 was to put 100kgs above my head. Last week, I did. I’ve done a clean at 100 and a jerk at 100, now I just need to add the two together for a 100kgs clean and jerk. Overall I am most proud of my consistency the last couple of months, showing up is the most important.

What are your top 3 must watch French movies?
1. Radiostar
2. Dikkenek
3. Barbie (French subtitles)

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
I love running, because I have long legs. I like rope climbs because I have long arms. I like the toilet breaks because I have a long …

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
Depends on the workout, sometimes I am a Shiny Charizard and sometimes I am a Dung Beetle, pushing my shit. 

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
CrossFit is for you. Nobody else. For me, CrossFit is about staying strong mentally and physically, prolonging my life expectancy, and doing the impossible (wall walks). Join CrossFit to find out what it means to you.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Yohann' WOD be?

For Time
1Km Run
100 Wall Ball Shots 6/9
50 Hang Power Clean 42.5/60
25 Cal Row
50 Shoulder to Overhead 42.5/60
100 Double Unders
1Km Run

Member of the month: Matt Savidan

Member of the month: Matt Savidan

Matt’s improvements over the last few months have been absolutely astonishing. His hard work and dedication are definitely showing the results he deserves.
Matt is not just a badass crossfitter but also the most bubbly and supportive person I have ever met.

Below is Matt’s journey in his own words!

With over 10 years of CrossFit experience it's fair to say that you are a veteran. What's the biggest advice you can give to anyone who is looking to begin this journey?
It so freaking corny, but just start. Just pull up your stance socks and get to a class. It can be a bit scary and weird at first, but just like a tail, it grows on you. I remember my first class as a pudgy bodybuilder and lining up to do my frist workout inbetween two guys, who 5 seconds into the countdown ripped off their shirts. Almost like they timed it in syncro. Who were these guys, well one was a wepaon named Rick and the other a ripped Italian stallion called Gab! 
That experience humbled me and also seeing their ripped sweaty bodies lit a fire in my swollen belly to get to their level. 

What are the biggest lessons you have learned about CrossFit over the years?
You never stop learning. It's one of the main aspects of Crossfit I love. Whether it's honing a skill, learning something new, or relearning a skill you've lost along the way. It's all a journey. Sometimes it's a "throw your rope on the ground and scream" learning process, but if you stick at it, you'll get there eventually.  

You have absolutely been crushing your training, what's next on your list?
To make the age group quarter finals. Yes I am a mature CrossFitter. I made it a few years ago and just missed last year. So I am determined to get back there. Oh and to keep beating Logan.

You would have done over a thousand workouts! When you look back which one comes first in mind and why?
Grace, it's simple, heavy, uncomfortable and quick. It's still to this day the workout that excites me and freaks me the F#@k out. Definitely 2 nervous wee's before this wod.

CrossFit often emphasizes community and support. How has being part of a community impacted your motivation and progress?
It’s no surprise I am a bit of a social butterfly and 9:15 is my happy place, in fact the gym in general is my happy place. I love leaveing my shit at the door and having and laugh with the crew. It may come as a big surprise, but I was born to perform and I freaking love a crowd. The support and encorugament I get when trainging at CrossFit is epic and keeps me coming back each day.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

- Burpees. I HATE BURPEES!

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
Anything with a heavy barbell, unless James is there and then it's anything highly techincal with a heavy barbell. 

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
A Hippo. Although they sleep the majority of the day, hippos are actually very dangerous animals. They are very territorial and aggressive; likely to attack humans and other animals that come too close. 

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
Join the CrossFit revolution today and discover a fitness journey like no other. Unleash your potential, forge lifelong friendships, and achieve a level of fitness you never thought possible. Don't settle for mediocrity – embrace the challenge, embrace the community, and transform your body and mind with CrossFit!

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the Matt's WOD be?
Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirrty
It's about time that I came to start the party

For Time
100m Run
20 Dumbbell Overhead Squat
10 C&J 55/80Kg
200m  Run
16 Dumbbell Overhead Squat
8 C&J 62.5/90Kg
300m Run
12 Dumbbell Overhead Squat6 C&J 70/100Kg
400m Run
8 Dumbbell Overhead Squat
4 C&J 77.5/110Kg
500 Run
40 Dumbbell Overhead Squat
2 C&J 85/120Kg

Find 1RM remaining time 

Member of the month: Darryn Reece

Member of the month: Darryn Reece

Darryn’s infectious energy and outgoing nature light up every room he enters, effortlessly connecting with everyone around him.
He is always up for a challenge and eager to encourage and support others.

Below is Darren’s journey in his own words!

How long have you been doing CrossFit and how did you come across it?
I first started training CrossFit in 2020 about a month prior to the world shutting down, and it
helped me through that period.
I had been in gyms since 2010 and had heard about CrossFit, but obviously all the negatives and viewed it as a bit of a joke. That was until I discovered the documentaries when they were on Netflix, and thought it looked fun, and then gave it a try and have fallen in love with the training methodology.

You have been extremely consistent in your training. Can you share with us your biggest motivation ?
For me it has been finding a routine I have been able to stick to. I obtained a new job towards the end of last year that didn’t have the same volume of travel involved. Once I switched to training in the morning at the start of the year it just became the habit, and made my day easier. Also, the below question has been a bit of a motivator…

Not long now until your holiday to Europe, can you share with us a little about this trip? 
Given the temperatures this week I don’t want to brag too much, but I am heading away for 5 weeks. Spending two weeks in Italy, some time in Croatia and Montenegro, and then testing my Liver in the Greek islands.

With a few sentences can you describe your relationship with coach Logan?
I really appreciate logan and his coaching, however he is extremely fun(easy) to wind up and take the piss out of. I liken it to the relationship you have with your little brother, take every opportunity to wind them up, but there’s a respect underneath it.

You have made remarkable progress since joining Metal Therapy, what’s next on Darryn's list?
Given the components that have been developed and worked on in recent times, Rope Climbs are a big thing I want to achieve, as well as bigger sets of double unders. But for those who know me, the 200kg squat has
been a goal for a while so developing a plan to achieve that when I get back from my trip.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours?  
Given my incredible thoracic mobility, it has to be anything handstand. The body just NOPES!

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
Obviously the traditional bro lifts like squat and deadlift, but also double unders and starting to love the Olympic lifts as my technique is improving. To clarify, just because I am quick on the Echo Bike does not mean I enjoy it. It’s actually because of how much I hate it, the quicker I go, the quicker I finish.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
This is a bit of a tough one, but I think a Hippopotamus. Most of the time they are just cruising through, taking it easy, but when it comes to crunch time, they mean business and can just rip in and get it done.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
Don’t believe the bullshit you see on Social media. It’s such a varied way to work out, and the social aspect is such a game changer. You will do movements that you had never even thought of, and accomplish some cool shit, all in an hour of your day!

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the

Darryn's WOD be?
It was really tempting to write in some long gruelling cardio and gymnastics workouts given my vocal love of these… However, I think short, sharp and moving some heavy ass weight is the way to go!

“ Darryn “

For Time - 20' CAP
30 Cals Echo Bike 
30 Deadlift @55%
21 Cals Echo Bike 
21 Deadlift @65%
12 Cals Echo Bike 
12 Deadlift @75%
In the remaining time:
Find your 1RM Squat Clean



I am incredibly proud of Bec’s CrossFit Journey. She is dedicated, determined and 100% supportive of all other members. Her achievements so far are a reflection of her incredible commitment.

Below is Bec’s journey in her own words.

What's the most unexpected benefit you have gained from being a member of Metal Therapy?
Coming from another CrossFit box I have experienced many unexpected benefits such as improved lifting technics, developing a better mindset and the community that is super supportive and encouraging. I have develop some great friendships that I believe will be friends for life.

Can you tell us a little of what it is like to train with your daughter Hayley who recently turned 18?

Oh, training with my daughter Hayley is an absolute joy! It’s such a special experience to be able to share our fitness journey together. We encourage and support each other every step of the way. Wheather we’re lifting weights, running, or hitting our PB’s, it’s a wonderful bonding time for us too. We celebrate each other’s achievements and motivate each other through any challenges. Plus, it’s great opportunity to teach her the importance of a healthy lifestyle and staying active. I couldn’t be prouder of my little workout buddy!

You have recently competed at the Bayswater comp with Pav, Darryn and Omar, can you tell us a little about this experience and the choice of your team name F.O.L?

Earlier this year, I injured my back and was concerned about participating in this comp due to this injury. Having a supportive team took the pressure off with movements that aggravated this injury. Having a team like this made the experience so much more enjoyable, this has sparked the love of competing again. Thanks team F.O.L!

If you could compete with any CrossFit athlete who would that be and why?

We have our upcoming Double Dose comp which I have asked Lexi to be my partner. I chose her because she is a new member who hasn’t competed with us yet. I think she would be a great partner because she is encouraging and love to push herself, train hard but most of all is able to have fun.

If your life could be summed up in a movie, which one it would be and why?

Finding Dory! Because of my friendly nature and vague memory.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  

OMG rope climb! Saying this word makes my stomach turn. I’m petrified of high heights. Reaching the top frightens the hell out of me. However, with the support and encouragement of the 6am crew, and the many tips given by Marc and Logan, I’ve been able to get in the right headspace, conquer my fear and reach the top multiple times.

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 

  1. Hand stand push ups - seeing the world from an upside-down perspective

  2. Snatch - who doesn’t like a good snatch

  3. Clean and Jerks - I’m obsessed with cleaning and jerking

  4. Double unders - two is better than one

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 

Don’t settle for ordinary workouts, when you can experience the extraordinary. Take the leap into CrossFit today and discover the athlete within you.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Bec' WOD be?

For Time
50 Double Unders
15 P. Snatch 42.5/60
25 Handstand Push Ups
15 C&J
50 Double Unders
15 C&J
25 Handstand Push Ups 42.5/60
15 P. Snatch
50 Double Unders



Fionn ‘s unwavering dedication, relentless hard work, and commitment to personal growth have earned him the well-deserved recognition as our Member of the Month. Not only does Fionn push himself to new heights, but he also embodies the true spirit of support, always encouraging and inspiring fellow gym members to reach their full potential.

Bellows Fioon’sjourney is his own words!

How did you first get introduced to CrossFit, and what made you decide to give it a try?
I was working in ocean grove and training at BFT and wanted to try something new. CrossFit OG had just opened so I started out there.

What's the aspect of CrossFit that you enjoy the most?
I really enjoy the camaraderie built through group suffering. Haha

You have recently completed a marathon, can you tell us a little about this experience?
I completed the great ocean road marathon in May. It was terrible, super hilly, windy and I had covid. I loved every second of it. Unfortunately I didn’t manage to accomplish my goal finishing time but was stoked to complete it given the circumstances.  

Do you think CrossFit has helped you in any way to complete this event?
Mentally I felt more resilient but found it hard to balance the training load of 2 different sports. Closer to the event I had to prioritize running and missing CrossFit really bummed me out.

You have made remarkable progress since joining Metal Therapy, what's next on Fionn’s list?

I’m looking forward to entering some CrossFit competitions and continuing to develop my skills and strength. 

If you were stranded on a desert island and you could choose to have one piece of equipment, what would it be and why? 
I would choose a rower so I could train rowing. Then I would build a boat and row to freedom. 

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?  
Mines definitely any squatting movement. My squat technique has improved heaps but I still hate them, especially thrusters. 

What are your other favorites and what's to love about them? 
I’ve been really enjoying double unders recently. I found them challenging at first but I’ve started to get bigger sets unbroken which is super rewarding.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
Sometimes I feel like a Jack Russell running around making a lot of noise while all the big dogs get the real work done 😂

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it? 
Have you ever wanted to pay someone to put you through pain and suffering whilst enjoying it and making new friends? But seriously, I’ve never trained in a more welcoming and fun environment. Best CULT ever! 

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honor. What would the 'Fionn' WOD be? 
5 Rounds
Buy in - 600m Run -
10 Push Ups
10 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees
1' Min Rest

Member of the month: Mark Pearson

Member of the month: Mark Pearson

Mark has been constantly pushing himself since day one, he is hard working and motivates others to do the same, making him a valuable asset to our CrossFit Community.

Below is Mark’s journey in his own words!

What has brought you to CrossFit Metal Therapy, and how has it impacted your life since then?
I had a few friends that have trained at MT for quite a while, and I had always heard good things. I had been training solo for quite a while and needed a change. I wanted to train with a group again. After many invites, I came down for a session. I came to a Saturday partner WOD and I was hooked.
It has been an incredibly positive thing in my life since I started. From the moment I walked in I was made to feel welcome, I absolutely love being part of a community, and my body has never felt so good. There is something about doing really hard things with a group of likeminded people, that feels really good.

What's the most challenging CrossFit workout you have done so far?
There have been many, and most of them were the Saturday classes! I would say that the most challenging was the first round of the CrossFit open this year. I don’t think I have been in so much pain as I was by the end of the cleans.

If you had to create a new CrossFit movement, what would it be called and what would it entail?
I think I would bring the Yolk walk into CrossFit. I would call it the STOMPER. I loved doing that back in the strongman training days.

What's the biggest misconception about CrossFit that you would like to debunk?
That CrossFit is just going to get you injured. Everyone and his dog told me that when I was starting. Mainly from people who don’t do it. I think as long as you listen to your body, and don’t compare your performance to others, it will be okay.
Or that CrossFit is for the super fit. I think that people don’t realise there is a way to change everything to suit where you need to start.

If you could work out with any celebrity, who would that be and why?
I overthought this question much more than I should have. The pressure! Not a big one for Celebrity, but it would have to be someone fun. Probably Jason Momoa. Train hard but have fun after.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Every year, I hike up a mountain, draw a circle and sit there for 3 days, no food, no tent, no electronics, no nothing. Just time re connect. The first time I did it, people looked at me like I was cracked in the head. It continues to be the best thing that I do for myself every year.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?
Thruster, Thruster, thruster. I think that the devil invented that movement!

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
think like most I like what I am good at. I love anything hanging from a bar, but especially toes to bar.
I love the barbell too. I love to clean, deadlift and snatch. They feel so good when you get a good one! (I remember the one!)

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
I would say a giraffe. Tall and all long limbs flailing about.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?
Why should you do CrossFit? Because it works, REALLY WELL. You will feel better mentally physically, and you will do it in an incredibly fun and supportive environment.
You will not recognise yourself in a year. Just turn up, do what your body allows and sweat.

CrossFit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Mark' WOD be?
For Time
800m Run
21 T2B
21 Handstand Push Ups
21 Power Snatches 30/42.5
600m Run
15 T2B
15 Handstand Push Ups
15 Power Snatches 30/42.5
400m Run
9 T2B
9 Handstand Push Ups
9 Power Snatches 30/42.5



The improvements Alizee has made in just six month are absolutely remarkable, she is hard working, dedicated with a positive outlook.

Below is Alizee`s journey in her own words

You have been part of CrossFit Metal Therapy for just a little over 6 months now, tell us three things you love the most about the box? 
Everyone is super supportive, I love the confident energy, and the dedication to a good costume party has definitely been a highlight.

Your improvements have been just amazing conquering the rope climb, stringing several pull ups together and even getting your first bar muscle up. What’s next on Alizee’s goal list?
Beat Stephen in a workout, with Rx weights

You have competed in your first individual CrossFit competition, could you tell us a little about this experience and what tips would you give to anyone looking to sign up for their first CF comp?
Don’t take yourself too seriously, and wear sunscreen for the outdoor WODs.

You have also competed in your very first CrossFit Open...What’s your biggest take away from the Open?
Play to your strengths and fight your way through your weaknesses, every rep counts.

The WOD is about to start 3...2...1... What`s the first thought that comes into your mind?
So, what are the movements?

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Alizee...
If you had a superpower what would that be?
… Teleportation, the price of petrol is overwhelming

If you had to write a note to your child self, what would you say to her and why?
 … You can skip the leggings under denim shorts phase

If you were paid to pursue your ultimate passion, what would you do?
... A food critic

You are stranded on a desert island...what`s your action plan?
Find King Julian and open a beachfront cocktail and sushi bar, if it worked for the zoo animals in Madagascar it could work for me

We’ve all got that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours?  


What are your other favourites and what's to love about them? 
Anything gymnastics makes me happy

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you? 
An ant

You’ve been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it? 
Want be strong? Join CrossFit. Want to eat AMR(avioli)AP? Join CrossFit. Want to see shirtless men? Join CrossFit. Want to be a shirtless man? Join CrossFit.

CrossFit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “Alizee” WOD be?

For time (because I always loose count of reps),
10 RFT:
3 Wall Walks
9 T2B
12 Box jumps 20”/24”

Metal Therapy Throwdown 2023

Metal Therapy Throwdown 2023

EVENT 1 - (11' CAP)

2 RFT:
50 Deadlift 70Kg/50Kg
400m Run
30 Lateral Burpees Over Bar

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the deadlift. Partner A then moves onto the run and partner B can commence the deadlifts. Partner B does NOT have to wait for partner A to return before commencing the run however, if partner A returns from their run before partner B has completed the deadlifts, partner A must wait before they are able to begin their burpees.
Tiebreak after the first set of burpees

EVENT 2 – (10’ Cap)

For Load:
3 attempt 1RM Clean

Athlete A in lane one will have 20 seconds to complete their lift.
Only 1 athlete will complete the lift within the 20” window. The next 20 seconds the athlete in the next lane will complete their lift.
When all Athletes A have completed their three attempt athletes B can begin their attempt.

EVENT 3 - (12’ Cap)
12 Min AMRAP

Box Jumps Over 24”/20”
Dumbbell Snatches 22.5/15
Wall Ball Shots 9/6

This workout is performed as an emom. Athletes must alternate every minute for the entire workout
At the count 3-2-1 partner A will commence the box jumps over .The following minute partner B will commence the dumbbell snatches. Continue in this style for the entire workout.
* Athletes must step down in the box jumps over.

Shuttle Runs and Thruster Ladder
2 Shuttle Runs
4 Thrusters 30/42.5
4 Shuttle Runs
8 Thrusters 30/42.5
6 Shuttle Runs
12 Thrusters 30/42.5
8 Shuttle Runs
16 Thrusters 30/42.5
10 Shuttle Runs
20 Thrusters 30/42.5
Continue in this style for the entire AMRAP
At the count 3-2-1 partner A will complete the two shuttle runs and the 4 Thrusters. They will then tag partner B so they can complete the following set, four shuttle runs and eight thrusters.
Keep alternating and climb the ladder as far as possible within the time cap.

Top teams will battle it out for the top spot.
This workout will be announced on the day.

February Member of the Month: Mackenzie Bowe

February Member of the Month: Mackenzie Bowe

It has been absolutely amazing watching Kenzie’s progress over the last year, a determined and strong young woman with a great attitude both in and out of the gym.

Below is Mackenzie`s journey in his own words

Tell us how you came to discover CrossFit Metal Therapy and three things you love the most about the box?
I discovered Metal Therapy when I moved to Melbourne to complete an internship at Sunshine Hospital Radiation Therapy Centre. I had only recently started CrossFit but through mutual connections was recommended to try MT – and I never looked back since! My favourite things about the box are the people, the coaches and the 6am banter (oh and coffee).

You have been extremely consistent, what advice would you give to any beginner looking to join Metal Therapy?
Consistency came naturally to me. I use CrossFit as a method to cope with life and at the time uni stress. CrossFit also helped me to shift my mindset surrounding exercise. Prior to starting CrossFit, I looked at exercise as something I did for how it made my body look. Now I focus more on what I can achieve and how good it feels to lift a heavy weight or climb a rope. If you can make that mental shift, it will make it a lot easier to get to the box everyday and move your body.

You have signed up for your very first CrossFit Open... Everyone signs up for different reasons, can you tell us yours? What's your motto for the 2023 CF Open?
Well technically it is my second! I completed some of the CrossFit Open workouts in 2022 – but I had only been doing CrossFit for 3 weeks! My motivation to sign up this year was to of course have a great time and be a part of the atmosphere at MT. I also was really excited to tackle the Open now that I had a solid year of training under my belt and can RX most movements.

The WOD is about to start 3...2...1... What`s the first thought comes into your mind?
Who will be my target? I like to pick someone and make sure that I keep up (usually it’s Bec Bec).

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Kenzie

....you have just found the genie lamp, what would your 3 wishes be?

- Unlimited Lulu Lemon

- A beach house right by the coast

- To find shoes that actually fit my tiny feet

…tell us your favourite top 3 must watch movie?
I’m not really a movie person. I struggle to sit down and get through an entire movie – but I do love TV shows.
My favourite shows would have to be How to Get Away With Murder, Gossip Girl and Sex Education

…when no one is watching I dance and sing to...
The 6am crew would know that it doesn’t take much for me to bust a move. I will dance to anything with a good beat (aka my gym bangerz playlist).

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?
Assault bike. Gross.

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
Any Olympic lifts or barbell cycling. Nothing beats the feeling of a good snatch or clean. Snatch has especially grown on me at my time at MT. I also love pull ups, CTB and muscle ups. From only getting my first pull up in April 2022, to being able to transition through all these movements is super satisfying!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
I think a polar bear! A quiet but steady worker, an animal that is strong and has good endurance. Plus we are the same colour!

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for Crossfit. How would you pitch it?
I was very sceptical of CrossFit at first… but would say that CrossFit is absolutely for everyone. If you are looking for something that can be tailored to everyone’s needs, has lots of variation and gives you that sense of community – CrossFit is for you. Plus, you will be surprised at how much you can achieve with the support of your coaches and friends.

Crossfit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the 'Kenzie' WOD be?
For Time:
1Km Run
100 Double Unders
30 Power Cleans (42.5/60)
30 Pull Ups

800m Run
80 Double Unders
20 Power Clean (50/70)
20 Chest To Bar Pull Ups

600m Run
60 Double Unders
10 Power Clean (55/80)
10 Bar Muscle Ups



Over the last few months Brayyd has gone from strength to strength, he has been consistant and dedicated and finally all that hard work is paying off.
Well done mate!

Below is Brayyd`s journey in his own words

Tell us how you came to discover CrossFit Metal Therapy and three things you love the most about the box?I discovered CrossFit when Naomi Howe invited me to come along after the 3rd Melbourne lockdown. I came off and on from March 2021, taking it a lot more seriously in 2022. Besides the lovely coaches and facility, I enjoy the company of likeminded individuals and the supportive but competitive environment CrossFit Metal Therapy fosters.

I remember having a hard conversation with you about your health. Since then you have undergone an incredible and inspiring transformation. Can you tell us what has really prompted you to make the necessary changes and how does it feel to be 14Kg lighter?
Yeah, so I came back from a 3-month holiday at the start of 2022 where I disregarded my health for indulgence and enjoyment. My waist picked up an expensive tab and I weighed in just over 125kg upon return. I don’t think that I realised how much I had gained during the lockdowns even before the holiday, so
not fitting into any clothes was a wake-up call. I appreciate you taking an interest in my health, the helpful advice, and pointing me to people like Ben Borg to fix my eating. I’m actually weighing in at 102kgs now, so I lost 23kgs over 2022. The focus now is to get to the low 90s and start getting better at the WODs. Watch out Omar, I’m coming for you!

You train along your two brothers Rhyys and Wayyln, do you guys get competitive with each other?Physically we are all very different. A long time ago, I used to go to the gym with Wayyln and currently play baseball with Rhyys. We aren’t competitive, but we have always enjoyed to push and support each other. Now, my wife Adri has started so there are four Turners at the 6:30pm class.

We all have that one movement that makes us groan. What’s yours?
It’s hard to know, Double Unders are difficult, but I’m not sure if it’s a skill issue or due to the extra weight I’m still carrying. I am looking forward to knowing more about my areas of improvement over the coming few months.

What are your other favourites and what do you love about them?
I have started to enjoy different exercises lately, including Box Jumps, Power Cleans and Olympic lifting exercises.

If you could speak to your 10 year younger self, what would you tell him and why?
Not sure what a 16-year-old Brayyd would listen to. I’m happy with my life choices, no complaints here.

Besides CrossFit, how do you like to spend your free time?
A mix between work, spending time with friends and family, playing baseball, boardgames, and a beer here and there.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
Probably a crocodile, I can take a while to warm up.

You have been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?
CrossFit is designed to be accessible to everyone, from sports freaks to office workers. What’s an hour of pain for a better life.

CrossFit Inc. decided to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “Brayyd” WOD be?
For Time:
900m Run
30 Hang Power Cleans (42.5/60)
30 Box Jumps Over (20”/24”)
30 Wall Balls (6/9)
600m Run
20 Hang Power Cleans (42.5/60)
20 Box Jumps Over (20”/24”)
20 Wall Balls (6/9)
300m Run
10 Hang Power Cleans (42.5/60)
10 Box Jumps Over (20”/24”)
10 Wall Balls (6/9)

Member of the Month: David Howell

Member of the Month: David Howell

It is hard to stop when you get a taste of what your body is capable of. David has gone from strength to strength and his hungry for more!

Below is David`s journey in his own words

You have been part of Metal Therapy for quite a while now. What keeps you coming back and what do you love most about MT?
I love the WODs, I love the gains, but overall it has to be the people. MT has such a great sense of community which is a credit to the coaches. We are quite the eclectic bunch of folk with interesting and diverse backgrounds. It's great to have a group of people who push you, celebrate your achievements and have your back when things are tough.

Over the last few months you’ve made great improvements, not just technical and physical but also your confidence.
Can you tell us about your mindset?
There has definitely been a change from doing CrossFit as a fun, social activity to taking things a little more seriously (while still maintaining the fun aspect). The turning point for me is when I did my first CrossFit Open last year. I to chose not scale the workouts and see how I'd go. I surprised myself with how well I went, doing movements I didn't think I was capable of doing.
As my technique improves and weights increase I definitely started to notice changes in my fitness and physique. It definitely helps when your peers start commenting on how you smashed that workout, or compliment you on your form. There's still a way to go, but I know I have the right people around me to keep getting stronger.

If you had to give advice to someone wanting to try / start CrossFit what would that advice be?
Give it a go, you might actually like it! When I first signed up, I had no real idea what it was. Don't be intimidated by the long list of jargon, acronyms and movements; you will learn them... eventually.

I’m sure you have some goals in mind for the 2020.
Can you share them with us?
There are some movements (muscle ups, handstand walk) which I'm yet to get, so I'll definitely be working to achieve these. I would love to do more work on the rings as well.

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Dave

... you shouldn’t mix ... zebra print ... with ... camo! (Sorry Jon)

... My favourite drink is... Gin & tonic

... if you had a choice between two superpowers, being invisible or flying, Which one would you choose? Flying (invisibility seems too sneaky)

... What's the song that best describes you? Let's have a Kiki! (Scissor Sisters)

... What inspires you? Being around positive, passionate people.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?
Wall balls... need I say more?

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
Rope climbs... when I first tried to learn rope climbs, I saw them as impossible and something I'd never achieve. Now I can't get enough of them!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
A newly-born foal (trying to walk for the first time).

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitcA fun, fast-paced fitness regime which pushes you far beyond what you thought was capable. A super-hero academy for the common man!

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “ Dave ” WOD be?
I call this one "Snakes and Ladders"

For Time:

100m run (start of each set)

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 HSPU

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 BBJO

1 Rope climb (end of each set)

Member of the Month Lorraine Reilly

Member of the Month Lorraine Reilly

For those of you who knew Lorraine at the start of her CrossFit journey I’m sure you can all agree that she has made some amazing progress. She is definitely persistent and doesn’t not give up easily. A true Irish Lady!

Below is Lorraine`s journey in her own words.

You have been part of Metal Therapy for quite a while now. Can you tell us a little about your strength/fitness journey so far?
I was at a point in my life that I needed to do something different, something new to challenge myself. I never really enjoyed going to a regular gym, I didn't really like the atmosphere. I came across the MT sign driving down Geelong Road. I had never heard of CrossFit before, I had no idea what I was walking in to. During my 1st trial I lasted 10 minutes into the warmup, I was so unfit I had to stop. That's when I knew deep down, I needed to do something about it. After much hesitation and many conversations with Gab I took the leap and have never looked back!

You have definitely made some amazing improvements, what`s the hardest obstacle you had to overcome so far?
My hardest obstacle I’ve had to overcome so far is believing in myself doing movements like thrusters and overhead squats. Where I found my mobility a real challenge.

You recently got married to Ben who is also a member of MT.

Do you ever get competitive with each other?

We paired up once, I think if were to do it again the wedding may not have happened. The competitiveness got the better of us and lets just say it didn’t end very well.

You have made many friends since you`ve joined, how important is the social aspect of MT and how does this impact your training?
It’s really amazing the number of great people in my life that I wouldn't have met if it wasn't for MT. I really appreciate how we all push and encourage each other! It’s something I've never experienced before! It’s that exact reason I go every day!

2020 is fast approaching! What can we expect from Lorraine in the New Year?
My aim is to get stronger and fitter – I would also like to master double under’s and box jumps.

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Lorraine

....If you could go back in time, what year would that be and why?
Honestly, I would choose not to. This year has been the most incredible year yet. I have met some of the most amazing people, I’m the strongest/fittest I have ever been, and I got to marry my best friend.

...Top 3 places you've visited in the world and what you loved about them?

Africa - I loved the fashion, the people and most of all the wildlife.

Turkey - I really enjoyed visiting the temples and learning about the history of the county

Vietnam - The scenery was out of the word; the people are so sincere, and the food is delicious

... Are you a hunter or gatherer?
Gatherer – I love my food!

... 3..2..1... What `s your first thought when a wod begins?
This is going to be terrible! Go hard Lorraine. Beast mode on! You got this.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?
Overhead squats kills my joy!!

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
Deadlifts – Its an exercise I’m strong at that targets a lot of muscles at the same time and really helps with my back strength

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
My inner bear comes out in the middle of the wod this helps me gain strength, courage and tenacity!!

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?
CrossFit describes itself as constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity, which sounds straight forward but in reality is actually sort of complicated. One of the reasons I love it is that you get to do so many different things and there’s so much to learn.

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “Lorraine” WOD be?

For Time:

10 Deadlifts (60/40)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)

10 Deadlifts (70/50)
15 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

10 Deadlifts (80/60)
15 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

10 Deadlifts (90/70)
15 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

10 Deadlifts (100/80)
15 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

10 Deadlifts (110/90)
15 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

Member of the month Angie Reynolds

Member of the month Angie Reynolds

Angie has been part of Metal Therapy since our early days. What I love most about Angie, besides her 140Kg back squat is her spirit. What you see is what you get. No filters here!

Determined , caring and supportive…Angie is one of the strongest and nicest person I Know.

Below is Angie`s journey in her own words.

You are one of Metal Therapy’s Veteran. Can you tell us a little about your strength/fitness journey so far?
In the last 3 years I’ve had 2 more babies, in total I now have 5 children and since returning after the birth of my last baby a year ago I have been able to gain my strength back with my lifting through Gab’s strength programming and lose weight and improve my fitness levels which has helped me mentally as well as physically during a time in my life where I have had a roller coaster of events happen all at the one time.

In no particular order could you name three aspects that kept you consistent and makes you keep coming coming back day in and day out?
Atmosphere is huge for me if I don’t enjoy what I’m surrounded in I remove myself and at Metal Therapy the community of likeminded people and Coaches are second to none & always encouraging. I have a lot of lifelong friends because of CrossFit.

Definitely my awesome Coach & Box Owner Gab he greets you with a smile every time and knows you individually and makes you feel at home which is why Metal Therapy is my second home, his knowledge, coaching and passion for CrossFit just makes you want to keep going back for more!

The service that is provided at Metal Therapy, the cleanliness of the box, down to the friendly staff & just how the box functions in general with programming, Olympic lifting classes & equipment, it’s a place I love going to everyday as it is my outlet away from my mum/wife duties and it allows me to focus on my own health and strengthens me as an individual in my everyday life.

You are a mum of five beautiful kids and also run your own delicious cakes and cup cakes business. Despite this you have a lot on your hands you still make time for your training.
Can you tell us how do you manage it all?
Being organised is key which can look chaotic most days haha but I always believe that if it’s important to you, you will find a way, if not you’ll find an excuse and that motto always reminds me that if I really want to achieve something, what am I willing to do to get it done & prioritising and making time for training is important. I schedule time for myself for training just like I would a cake or cupcake order. Also having a great support network at home helps to allow me to focus on my health and what I need to do to keep fit & be a better person especially to my loved ones and friends.

I’ve heard rumours that you will be competing in the Double Dose competition this year...if so are there any workouts or movements you would like to see pop up?
Yes this rumour is true, I absolutely love a great barbell workout so anything to do with weightlifting I would love to see on the workouts maybe a Benchmark or Hero WOD with heavy weights.

With only six months left to the end of the year is there anything specific you would like to achieve before then?
In terms of CrossFit I would love to achieve any gymnastics movement, especially being able to do a pull up, hand stand push up & so forth.
For my businesses which I now run 2 from home Baking & Scentsy I would love to continue to share my baking goodies and Scentsy smell good products into homes of everyone that I meet.

Now it’s time for the world to know a little more about Angie

... What`s your Grace time? (30 C&J for time)
My Grace Time is exactly 1 minute (was not recorded which I wish was back in 2014)

....If your workout partner was a games athlete, who would that athlete be?

Female: Kara Saunders she’s my height and has quads and strength to die for, she is goals!!

Male: He’s still my fave and was one of my Coaches in Brisbane Brandon Swan he’s a powerhouse & a great guy!

...If you had to name the top 3 thing on your bucket list, what would they be and why?

Take my husband and children to Samoa for a holiday and to take them back to their grass roots as we are of Samoan Heritage and we have some awesome Olympic Lifters I want to meet there too!

Open up a Bakery it’s definitely something that I enjoy and passionate about and to leave behind a legacy for my children to share with their posterity.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I would love to travel around the world with my husband and children to visit all the LDS Temples. They are beautiful buildings and it’s definitely on my To Do List!

...If you could live without one of your five senses, which one would you give up and why?
Hearing for sure because I enjoy peace and quiet and less noise is great for the mind and soul! I need my 4 other senses for all the things I enjoy doing.

Finish the sentence

... When I get a PB I...of course I can’t wipe the smile of satisfaction off my face as it makes it all worth the training sessions & drills we practise during class!

...When I’m home alone I....love to clean it’s very therapeutic

.... Happiness is...a choice. You can choose to be happy. There’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether you let it affect you or not.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?
Burpees but mine look more like slurpees haha

What are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
Isabel (30 Snatches for time) Short & Fast Workout

Double Unders when my feet want to co-operate (I used to be a dancer this is about rhythm & is a great cardio workout beats running lol)

Backsquats because this movement I enjoy doing any day and would do a double session for!

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
I like to think I’m a Lion some how in the middle of a workout the turbo switch turns on & my beast mode kicks in which makes me feel like roaring within to keep moving!

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?
Sick of boring gym workouts or paying for PT sessions? Want something that challenges you every time you train?

Come check out CrossFit it’s an effective way to get fit, anyone can do it. It is a fitness program that combines a wide variety of functional movements into a timed or scored workout. You also inherit a community of likeminded people who encourage, uplift and become your family!

CrossFit changes and saves lives which is why I will never give it up despite what the new hype of fitness programs are that keep popping up over the years! There are no mirrors or machines because you are the Machine! Surprise yourself and try it out!

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “Angie” WOD be?

5 Rounds for Time:

5 Bear Complexes (1 Power Clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Push Press, 1 Back Squat, 1 Push Press) 40/60kg

10 Wall Balls 6/9

15 KB American Swings 16/24

Member of the month: Robbie Burnees

Member of the month: Robbie Burnees

One of the coaches’ job is to show the athletes their full potential when they cannot see it or believe it yet.
I`m absolutely amazed by Robert’s transformation, it is amazing what you can achieve if when you put your mind to it!

Below is Robbie`s journey in his own words

You have been a member at Metal Therapy for awhile now. Can you share a little about your training at Metal Therapy during this time?
Yeah I can’t believe its been over 2 years now. Its gone so fast. When I first started I was very much a newbie to CrossFit having only been doing it for 2 - 3 months prior. Before this I was a long time regular at good ol Derrimut 24/7 but had lost the motivation to train and to be honest had grown tired of the monotony of “ chest day, arm day, leg day” etc and was looking for something more challenging and exciting. I remember my first trial at MT and being a little overwhelmed looking at the workout for the day with so much crammed into the session with numbers and percentages and acronyms I needed a dictionary for, and then nearly dying JUST ON THE WARM UP. I could barley finish WODS and rarely RX’d. Its very different these days though. I have achieved so much that I wanted to and more, thanks to some excellent coaches and of course the members that always got your back when you’re just not feeling your best some days.

Since the end of the 2019 CrossFit Open, everyone has noticed a big change in your training but most important your attitude. tackling more difficult workouts, practising more difficult movements and definitely not shying away from the heavy weights anymore. What has changed in the last few months?
You’re right, I can’t quite put my finger on it but in the last 6 or so months I’ve really kicked my training into overdrive and even more so since the Open. I had sustained a bit of a shoulder injury late last year which prohibited me from training properly, it actually got me down a bit but when that started to heal I just started to attack every workout 110%. I get a real kick out of seeing other people succeed I think, and it motivates me to want to succeed too. Not only that but when I start to see skills I’m working on slowly coming together it gives me even more of a boost. For example I’d been working on handstands for ages and when I took my first few steps not long ago I was so excited that’s pretty much all I wanted to do. Now I can nearly walk the length of the gym. Same goes for muscle ups, I strung 3 together for the first time just the other night.

We learn by making mistakes, since you are a CF veteran could you give 5 tips to all the newbies at our box?
I guess firstly, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Always be willing to learn and never think you know it all. Don’t let your failures dissuade you from trying again, you may fail a hundred times but its all worth it if you succeed once. Form and technique comes first, its nice to have weight on the bar but its better to not get yourself injured from ego lifting. And finally, and most importantly, never, I repeat NEVER leaver the toilet door open, cause if I have to do your burpees, I’m gonna hunt you down.

Where do you see Robbie in one year time? What are you future CF goals?
Honestly I have no grand plans for my future fitness self, I would be happy just to be doing what I’m doing now, grinding away at some god awful WOD, just continually getting stronger, faster, fitter or just maintaining what I already have. I may never ever snatch 100kg and I’m ok with that and will not lose sleep over it, but that won’t stop me from trying to inch myself closer and closer to it if that’s what I’m feeling at some point in time. Although, I would like to finish MURPH one day, with a weight vest, in under an hour.

Besides CrossFit, work and family commitment, is there anything else you do for fun?
I’m a bit of a nerd so I spend a lot of down time watching movies, tv shows and gaming. I also cook as much as I can when I have the time. I use to ride a lot when I was younger though and would love to get back into some mountain biking.

Now it`s time for the world to know a little more about Robbie

... Who his your favourite CF athlete?
I would love to say Matt Fraser or Rich Froning but it just seems too easy haha. I actually follow this british guy called Zack George who is an absolute beast and looks it too. I don’t want to use the word idol, but he’s definitely someone that inspires me, amongst others of course.

....You`ve made it to the games, head to head with Matt Fraser, what`s the workout?

It doesn’t matter what it is, he’s going to annihilate me, BUT if there are double unders and body weight movements, I may have a chance…at not completely sucking in comparison haha.

.... If you were part of the Game of Thrones cast, who will you be and why?

God this could take a while…actually, no it won’t, everyones pretty much dead haha, I’m going to disregard the crowd favourites and probably go with The Hound. He’s been one of my fav characters this whole show, hes strong, has no fear mostly, answers to no one and does what he wants. You could say hes a free man while everyone else is bowing to this god or that queen.

.... Tell us your top 5 pump up workout songs?

Erib B and Rakim - Juice

Massive Attack feat most Def - I against I

Wu-Tang Clan - Protect Ya Neck (the jump off)

Jay Z - 99 Problems

Nas - Halftime

Finish the sentence...

...If I won a million dollars...

I’d need a bigger wallet. Haha. I’d probably share most of it to be honest.

...I have the biggest...

Collection of DVDs. Over 1000 when I stopped collecting before the digital age fully hit haha.

...when no one is watching I dance and sing to...

Pretty much anything with a good beat and funky bass line.

We've all got that one movement that makes us groan. What's yours?
Thrusters. Forged in the fires of hell.

What's are your other favourites and what's to love about them?
Deadlifts, Double Unders, Cleans and any pressing movements. I guess I love them cause they are the movements I am most comfortable doing.

In the middle of a WOD, what animal would best represent you?
Probably a huge stag. I start the WOD, head held high with power speed and intensity but at some point wander into oncoming traffic and end up as roadkill hahaha.

You've been asked to write a sales pitch for CrossFit. How would you pitch it?
Crossfit. Always challenging, always changing, always rewarding, always motivating.

CrossFit Inc. decide to name and design a WOD in your honour. What would the “Robbie” WOD be?

“Robbie B.”

For Time:
50 Hang Power Cleans 60/40
50 DU
50 Push Press/Jerk 60/40
50 DU
50 Deadlifts 60/40
50 Pull ups
50 DU
50 Push ups
50 DU

RX - 50/35

RX+ 60/45

Scaled - 40/25

Metal Therapy Throwdown 2019

Metal Therapy Throwdown 2019

Wod 1 – The Triathlon (10' Cap)

Repeat from MT Throwdown 2017

2 RFT:
500M Run
500m Row
50/35 Cal Airdyne

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the 500m. Parter B can begin the run only when partner A has returned to their working station. Partner A can then begin the 500m row, Partner B can begin the row when partner A move onto the airdyne.
Continue in this style for the entire workout.

If unable to run 500m complete same distance on the skierg

At the end of the time cap for every meter or calorie not completed 1sec will be added to the time cap.

Wod 2 – Together we fall (9’ Amrap)

Dumbbell Thrusters
5 Dumbbell Burpees

F(2x10Kg) - M(2x15Kg)

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A and partner B can begin the set of three dumbbell thrusters simultaneously, once completed they can both begin the set of five Dumbbell burpees. Increase the repetitions by three each round until the end of the amrap.

Note: Dumbell thrusters and dumbbell burpees are synchronised movements.

On the DB Thrusters both athletes have to be in full extension with DB overhead before continuing to the next repetition.
On the DB burpees both athletes have to be on the ground before standing and both have to be fully extended before going to the ground.

Wod 3 – For Load (11’ Cap)

3 ATTEMPT 1 RM Snatch and 1 RM C&J

Athletes will have the choice of performing either snatch or clean & jerk.

Athletes performing the snatch will begin first. Athletes will have 20” to complete each lift.

Only 1 athlete will complete the lift within the 20” window. The next 20’’ the athlete in the next lane will complete their lift.
When all athletes have completed the snatch there will be 1’ transition onto clean & jerk.

Wod 4 - Pick me up…before you go go! (10’ Cap)

For Time:

10 Deadball Clean
50ft deadball Carry
20 Toes to bar

8 Deadball Clean
50ft deadball Carry
20 Toes to bar

6 Deadball Clean
50ft deadball Carry
20 Toes to bar

4 Deadball Clean
50ft deadball Carry
20 Toes to bar

2 Deadball Clean
50ft deadball Carry
20 Toes to bar

F 35Kg - M 55Kg

At the count 3-2-1 Partner A will begin the Deadball cleans. Partners can break up the repetition as they like.
Once all 10 DB cleans have been completed both athletes have to carry the deadball over 50ft.
Partner A once completed the carry can begin the set of T2B.
Partners can break up the repetition as they like. Continue in this style for the entire workout.

At the end of the time cap for every rep not completed 1sec will be added to the time cap.
50ft= 2 Reps


Top 5 teams will battle it out for the top spot.
This workout will be released on the day!